Thursday, July 8, 2010

Garbage to become enzyme: Solution for Global warming

Garbage enzyme:
It is a complex solution produced by fermentation of fresh kitchen waste (fruitsWhat is garbage enzyme? and vegetables dregs), brown sugar, jaggery or molasses and water. The finished product is dark brown and has a strong sweet sour scent and can be used as a multipurpose liquid for household cleaning.

Garbage enzyme - It is no Garbage at all

How to Make Garbage Enzyme

enzyme production ingredient 1

Black sugar is needed for making garbage enzyme.

Brown or any raw unprocessed sugar can also be

used but never use white sugar.

enzyme production ingredient  2

Kitchen waste is another ingredient used for the production of garbage enzyme. Leftover cooked food from meals like vegetables is usable too but rinse off any gravy or sauces from them first before using. Never use any kind of meat! Fruit skins should be taken from fruits like apple, orange, pineapple, pear, watermelon, grape, lemon, guava but don't use durians!

enzyme production process

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