Stand UP 16,17,18 October 2009
How to Do
Steps for Organizing the Campaign Event
a)the date of event in your city,
b)Venue of event,
c)Participants representing civil society, media, peoples' representatives, government officials
government different sections of the society and individuals
d)Key speakers
e)Mobilization targets (school, college, NGOs etc) methods and schedule
f)Communication materials to be used
g)Logistics (mikes, chairs, podium/stage)
h)Sponsors and contributors
i)Events or sessions to be organized-skits, film, street theatre etc. and the groups who will perform
j)Action plan/ Time line for preparation of event- what will be done when and by whom
Stand up for 2 minutes, anywhere, any place, any time, light a lamp/candle, then read the United Nations pledge, to support and create awareness of the millennium development goals. 16 October 2009 also coincides with The World Food Day and Stand Up events on this day can additionally be clubbed with organizing free lunch programs for the poor.
When 16,17,18 October 2009
What to do
a) Display SPEED UP for MDGs banners
b) Choose the MC for the event (could be any known person)
b) Introduce the event, its purpose and make announcement about the event's schedule;
c) Stand up for 2 minutesd)
Light up Lamp/ candle;
e) Read UN pledge on MDG in your own language;
f) Show short film on SPEED UP for MDGs
g) Request key speakers representing government, corporate sector and NGOs to briefly speak on MDG, its status, success stories and its global implications on growth and human development;
h) Unfold other planned/undertaken action - such as collection of monetary for Art of Living's
Education Initiatives in India, tree plantation, free lunch programs, information kiosks, each one
teach one programs or any such action planned locally that focus on poverty alleviation, education and environment and are related to achieving MDG .
Any/every open public space, campus/halls of NGOs, public or private institutions where the
number of people targeted to mobilized can be accommodated. Choose open space where hundreds of people can light lamp/ candle- preferably; (schools, colleges, universities, campus of government or corporate offices, townships shopping malls, community halls, market place, parks, venue of music concerts, carnivals, fairs, sports events or your own venue of event)
“We, the volunteers and Friends of The Art of Living and Transparency International are taking part in the “SPEED UP THE MDG CAMPAIGN”
And we stand up because we are asking not for charity, but justice. We know that in our names world leaders have already made promises to bring this to an end - they are called the Millennium Development Goals.
What is needed today, is the political will to achieve and exceed these goals.
We ask you, Great Leaders of This Country, to achieve real transparency and accountability in how money is spent, to tackle inequality, to root out corruption. And for Achieving the Millennium development Goals.
We have taken Bold Steps in contributing Towards The MDG Goal Number 1 of ending Extreme Poverty and Hunger, MDG 2 of Achieving Universal Primary Education and MDG 7 of Ensuring Environment Sustainability and we will continue our efforts.
We are six billion voices, Standing Together Demanding Action! Demanding Justice and that the Millennium Development Goals are Met at Any Cost.
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